Sunday, August 19, 2012


What Would Jesus SAY?

Psalm 19, Ephesians 4:25-5:2

            I value finding good, relevant insight from old sources.    And I actually became an insight giving old source in a humorous moment last Wednesday evening at Camp Johnsonburg.  I had been there to give a chapel talk to all of the week’s young campers and the moment I told them I was 42 years old there was a very audible gasp ‘n giggle, as if everyone at the same time was wondering aloud how a T-Rex was there to speak about God to them!  

            The sources I frequently consult when studying the Bible actually are old, often centuries old, like this helpful quote I found this week from a famous 17th century Presbyterian clergyman named Matthew Henry.   “The Scriptures were written,” he preached, “not to make us astronomers, but to make us saints.”

            I understand this to mean that when we read and relate the teachings of the Bible, it’s not for the purpose of training us to first and foremost look and listen for God “up” and “out” there, in some faraway very distant place.   I agree whole-heartedly!    Granted, there can be great comfort and humbling in our scanning the skies to be reminded that our lives are just one very important part of God’s good and vast creation.    And this can help with our sense of belonging, with our faith in being ultimately cared for by our gracious Creator, and with reclaiming God’s original purpose for us to be caretakers.   I also find it does help many folks to talk to God as a “higher” power who exists above and beyond worldly ways.    This is how I first came to faith myself. 

              Yet the epic stories and holy encounters that fill the pages of Scripture mostly locate God at work on the ground, right in the here and now and the roots and raw needs of people’s lives.    Why did the Magi follow a star?  It wasn’t to find God up in the remote heavens; it was for the purpose of locating God at work at the most important and most miraculous moment ever to happen on earth, in human history, to help them discover the new beginning for all God’s children through the birth of our Messiah.

            Keep God’s location in mind when reading from the Book of Ephesians.    This “book” is really a letter that the Apostle Paul wrote to Christians in an ancient, bustling cultural melting pot city of the Roman Empire called Ephesus.   The start of the letter is addressed to the saints there who had been born anew through their baptism in Christ.    It wasn’t addressed to people who were somehow perfectly faithful, or to people who are just “up there” in heaven next to an “up there” God.  Paul understood saints differently.    He knew them to be the people set apart by God in a particular time and place to follow, indeed to imitate, Jesus.   Let me put it this way – it’s the same as if I welcomed you all this morning by saying, “Good morning to all of you saints of Fairmount Presbyterian!”  

            So what did Paul teach the Christians in Ephesus about how to be saints instead of astronomers?  How does this ancient counsel help us today, we saints who are of one faith, one Lord, one baptism?  One significant thing he taught that I’m highlighting today was that they were to mind their mouths.

            Listen once again to part of Paul’s faithfully wise words – “Let all of us speak the truth to our neighbors, for we are members of one another … let no evil talk come out of your mouths, but only what is useful for building up, as there is need, so that your words may give grace to those who hear … live in love, as Christ loved us.”  

            Paul’s emphasis in Ephesus was spot on.   Many of our intentionally and unintentionally aimed words can cut down and cause crumbling to relationships and entire social foundations.   So how we choose to speak to one another and to every person we meet really and deeply matters.  Not just because it reflects upon who we are, how we’re known, how we’ve been raised … but more importantly because it directly reflects and represents our identity as baptized people who have been signed and sealed into the Way and Word of Jesus Christ.    Our words should be further expressions of His grace.   The reconciling truth spoken to us through His teaching is not for us to just absorb and keep silently to ourselves.   It needs to flow into and then out of us like a sacred symphonic sound in the world, enhancing human relationships and enriching human communities.   He is our Head, we are His Body, our vocal chords can be and should be instruments for helping to make His always amazing, abundantly loving, freely forgiving grace known.

            One biblical commentator has noted how today’s passage from Ephesians is summed up in the words of the song “They Will Know We Are Christians By Our Love.”[i]    Do you know that one?   I believe it’s in our Blue hymnal, and I know for sure it’s in the new Presbyterian hymnal that’s about to be published.   Anyone who has ever been part of Camp Johnsonburg sure knows it very well.    This commentator rightly points out that the unity and working side by side that is sung about in this song must be put in action, absolutely lived out.   And the ethical practices found in Ephesians about living out Christ’s love through truthful, tenderhearted, forgiving words can save this song, and, to quote the commentator directly, other “ditties of devotion to love and unity” from becoming “sentimental schlock.”

             There was one particular Olympian this summer who minds his words very well, whose witness is far from schlock, who knows how important it is to share speech that strongly represents God’s grace in Jesus Christ.      Lopez Lamong finished third this year in his 5000 meter Track and Field final, but this 27 year old was also at the 2008 Olympics.  In fact, he was the flag bearer for the United States at those opening ceremonies.     Does anyone recognize the name?  

            At the age of 16, Lopez Lamong became a US Citizen.  This was after he had been born in South Sudan and had been abducted during the Second Sudanese Civil War.  After nearly dying in captivity, he was helped to escape by three others there from his home village.   The four of them ran for three straight days until arriving in a refugee camp in Kenya.    His story is just one of 20,000 displaced or orphaned boys known as the “Lost Boys of Sudan.”   There is a documentary available to you by this name that I highly recommend.   

            Lopez’s specific story came to my attention through Relevant magazine, a quarterly publication about God, life and progressive culture I subscribe to.   Through an interview, I read how the amazing power of God’s grace in his life is not something he quietly keeps to himself.   He hears Jesus’ voice saying, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be children of God.”  (Matt. 5:9).   He understands this voice needs to be further expressed in order to give hope and build other people up.    He speaks as a saint, as one who is set apart by God to help people in a specific time and place receive grace.   He accomplishes this mostly through his own foundation for bringing about healing in Southern Sudan.    And he did so through the Relevant magazine interview in which he said the following faith-building words –

            “I’m here because God rescued me, gave me a second change, kept me alive today. I cannot run a step without God giving me the strength to run and be happy. I’m doing this for the people who are not able to run anymore, who are dead.   I’m that voice.”

            Friends, have you found your baptismal voice?    The voice that expresses with conviction that you have been reborn and raised to new life in Christ?   Do you understand how even your slightest words can be creative acts conveying God’s grace?   

            As you strive to live in love as Christ loves you, do more than just ask What Would Jesus Do?   Actions that imitate our Lord are vitally important, but so too are the words we choose that do the same.  We need to also ask, “What Would Jesus Say?”    When His loving truth is heard by people in need of kindness and forgiveness, it just might be what directs their desperate attention from God being distantly “out there” to God being securely and intimately known right here.   Amen.

[i] Richard F. Word, Feasting On the Word, Year B, Volume 3, commentary on Ephesians 4:25-5:2

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